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  Ship Devices!

Device Control: The device control screen allows you to turn on or off any of the ship devices that are mounted on the ships hull. You can turn on any number of devices at the same time. Most devices do not interfere with the working of other devices. Most ships have only one or two, while many ships have no special devices at all. Special devices work after all movement and combat are over unless otherwise noted.
























Advanced Training

Convert 20% + 100 colonists on a ship to troops each cycle.

Agro Dome Produces 50 kt of food per turn.
Alchemy Forge When on, it grabs supply units from junk pods and resupply pods belonging to anyone, plus supplies from planets and bases that you own and converts the supplies to metals. Twelve supply units yield 1 duranium, 1 tritanium, and 1 molybdenum. Control switches on the ship mission control screen can limit the process to just one metal type if you wish. The device will work on as many supplies that will fit into the ship's cargo hold.
Assimilation Beam When turned on over an enemy base 250000 enemy colonists, crew, or troops are turned into Cyborg colonists and placed on board the ship. The device works through base shields. The device does not work on natives, Robots, or the Crystal race. The device will kill Solorian colonists without making any new Cyborg colonists. This is a device only the Cyborg can use.
Barbitic Mine Dropper Converts ordnance units into Barbitic mines and drops them. Barbitic mines are powerful anti-ship mines that also can be used to destroy enemy minefields. See Minefields
Bio Computer The Bio Computer is always on and uses 4 med units per cycle. If the ship runs out of med units the ship will take a massive amount of system damage. The ship must have at least 1 high guard ranger on board the ship for it to give you a combat bonus of +100 accuracy and +50 evasive. Ships with this device must always be worried about Privateer ships stealing all the ship's med units disabling most the ships weapons and rendering the ship mostly harmless.
Bioscanner Its primary use is detecting native life on planets out to a distance of 700 LY. When on the bioscanner's findings will be reported in the ship's log. Using the scanner does not make the ship any more visible to the enemy than normal. The bioscanner is able to give you a full good scan of the planet including all metals and surface items.
Boarding Laser

Only used when you are transporting your colonists, troops, crew, or high guard to an enemy ship as a hostile boarding action.

The boarding laser helps your troops take over the enemy ship. It cuts holes in the enemy ship doing between 1% and 300% hull damage to the target depending on the size of the target ship. It kills up to 10% of the enemy crew, 40% of the enemy colonists, and 10% of the enemy troops.

You need to beam over 1 of your guys for every 5 enemies you want to take out. There are 200 movement phases and combat will not start until phase 50 so during the first one quarter of movement you have time to fly past an enemy ship, transport over a boarding party, rip the enemy ship up with the boarding laser and get away back out to deep space.

To use the device just turn it on and transfer your crew to the enemy target using your transporters. The ship using the boarding laser must have less than 50% system damage or the device will not work.

The device will not kill Crystal crew and colonists, but it will still allow you to get your boarding party onto the Crystal ship.

The device will not against Fed ships with less then 50% shield, system and hull damage. If a Fed ship has more than 50% damage in any of those three areas the boarding laser will work.

Boarding Laser, Privateers Same as above only the weapon kills 15% crew, 50% colonists and 40% troops and you need to beam over only 1 of your guys for every 20 enemies that you want to take out.

Boarding Laser,
Privateer With Plans

Same as above only the weapon kills 20% crew, 60% colonists and 40% troops and you need to beam over only 1 of your guys for every 40 enemies that you want to take out. This bonus only applies if the ship doing a boarding attack has the plans to the target enemy ship in their memory bank.
Bullistic Battle Computer Ship has +100 attack bonus when using 500mm Gun or Antimatter Gun.
Cargo Desk Produces 1 assault pod per turn using 1000 ord and 10 troops. The ship must have an empty cargo pod bay. The device has a secondary function of taking all the metals in the ship and placing the metals in a construction pod and loading the pod into an empty pod bay, this secondary function only works when the command code MET is used. The device will only produce one pod per turn, either an assault pod or a construction pod.
Cargo Grappler

Steals molybdenum, tritanium, duranium, food, med units, and supplies (in that order) from all ships within 50 LY that you are at war with. It will steal as much as possible, until the enemy ships are empty or there is no more cargo room left to hold the stolen goods.

This device works after movement.

Cloaking Device

Burns fuel and reduces the ship's sensor image by 50 points. Ships that have a sensor image of 0 can not be seen. The ship overview screen will show you your ship's current sensor image. Be aware that moving at high speeds, using your transporters, minesweeping, traveling through web minefields, or enemy tachyon scanners can uncloak your ship. You can never be completely sure that you have not been seen. If you have the attack order for the ship turned on your ship will attack from cloak, you need to turn off the attack switch to avoid combat while cloaked.

Partial cloak is when the ships with a stealth rating of more than 50 and will not fully cloak the ship, the cloaking device will only make the ship harder to see.

Clone Lab Increase guests by 20% a turn, by making copies of them. Costs nothing to use. Increases High Guard by 10% a turn with a limit of 10 High Guard per ship.
Contraband Dust Off

Loads all the contraband from the surface of a planet and places the contraband in a gold pod in one of the ship's empty pod bays. The device works after all movement is finished. The device works only on planets and can not remove contraband from a base. The device only works if the ship has an empty pod bay. The dust off pod can hold 1000 kt of contraband.

Enemy ground bases on the surface of the planet block this device from working.

Contraband Lockdown Prevents the selling of contraband by any race within 200 LY. They can still load the contraband up into pods and try to run away with it.
Crew Abducter Takes enemy crew from enemy bases to fill out our crew. The device will take all the crew that will fit in the ship. The device only takes crew, it does not harm or take enemy colonists. The device has a range of 2 LY.
Crystal Inferno Device If a base has less than 90 climate the device will use one HD stress point on the planet to increase the climate of the planet by 20 points. If the climate is 90 or above the device will increase the climate of the planet without using or needing any planet HD stress points.
Crystal X Field

The device steals repair units from all ships, pods and planets within 50 LY of the ship. The device can take up to 500 repair units from bases and ships and as much as the ship can hold from pods. If the Crystal X ship does not have the room to hold all the repair units being taken the extra repair units will be dumped into space. Every ship and base will loose 500 repair units for every X Field it is sitting in.

The device has a 50% chance of capturing any enemy ship that has over 99% engine damage.

The device will erase any ship plan that ships, bases and pods have stored in their memory within 150 LY. If the enemy has a mobile repair plant turned on or a mobile ord plant turned on the victim ship will take massive damage.

The device can block all base chunnel atempts within 200 ly. The ship must end movement within 200 ly of the base that is trying to leave and the X Field ship must have less than 10% system damage. Ship chunneling can also be blocked. Any ship within 200 ly of an X Field ship can not start a warp chunnel jump. The Cyborg have the advantage of being able to chunnel as long as the X Field ship is more than 100 ly away.

The X Field will cause a energy feed back if it is hit by a Solorian Stellar Matter shot, the feed back will increase the stress of the planet with the base taking the shot by 0 to 200 HD stress units.

Dampening Field Always on. The device is installed on the Pretender Class Q-Ship, Omen Class Spec Ops Transport, and Masquerade Class Q ship. Causes the ship to appear to be a freighter. Ship weapons, ord and troops are all hidden.
DTMS-N fuel Converter

The device when on will convert 10 supply units into 1 kt of fuel. It can also convert 1 duranium, 1 tritanium, or 1 molybdenum into 1 fuel unit. The converter only uses metals and supplies that are in the ship's cargo hold. It will stop processing when the ship's fuel tank is full.

If the ship uses the command code "BDF" all but 60 kt of fuel will be beamed down to the planet below.

Dust Off Removes troops, high guard rangers and ground combat units from the base under the ship and places them in an assault pod and loads the assault pod into an empty cargo bay. Everything will be placed in a single pod, there is no limit on the mass of a dust off pod. The dust off device works both before and after movement, so you could do two dust offs from two different bases in the same turn.
ECM Jammer All non-Aczanny ships in a battle have a -30 accuracy when firing large weapons or small weapons at any target. All non-Aczanny fighters get a -15 accuracy when firing at any target.
Energy Transfer Beam When the device is on the ship will try to transfer as much fuel as possible to any other Solorian ship in the area. If there are two or more Solorian ships in the area it will split the fuel between them.
Exotic Hull This hull costs money from the central bank to maintain, if there is a lack of funding the ship takes hull damage.
Eye Of Madagon

Causes all Chupanoids in the base under the ship to have 300% happiness and all Chupanoids join the base. The device has a range of 10ly and only works if the ship has under 10% system damage.

The device will also destroy food and kill amorphous natives out to a range of 250 ly. Food on planets bases and pods are all in danger of being destroyed.

Food To Supply Converter Turns food into supplies. All food is turned into supplies.
Fuel Drill Removes fuel from the core of the planet and places the fuel in the ship's fuel tank. The drill has a limit of 2000 kt of fuel ore a turn, which yields 1000kt of fuel.
Fuel Robber

Steals up to 50kt of fuel total from enemy ships within 50 LY. It will only steal fuel from races that you are at war with. This device works after movement.

It can not steal from a ship that has less than 20% system damage and a cloaking device that is turned on.

You can only take a max of 50kt units of fuel per turn, when that limit is reached no more fuel will be stolen, even when there are more ships in the area.

Fuel can not be stolen from the Solorian.


Places the money on the ship into the central bank account, the account that is used to buy tech, spy mana, and exotic tech.

Only the Colonists of Man can use this device.


The device will take 10000 units of money from the central bank and place it on the ship.

Only the Colonists of Man can use this device.

Gambling Deck

This device generates money and it has four basic requirements to make money. Rules 1 & 2 make the money and rules 3 & 4 limit how the money from 1 & 2 can be made.

  1. Colonists in the ships guest quarters. This device will generate 1 MC per colonist on board, up to a maximum of 1000MC for 1000 colonists on board.
  2. Colonists in bases below the ship. The ship will generate 300MC for every 1million colonists in the base(s) directly below the ship. (You do not have to own the bases to get the device to work).
  3. Is the Device in deep space? If the ship is in deep space the maximum revenue that can be generated by the device is limited to 50MC. If the Device is over a base with less than 1million colonists then it is still considered to be in deep space or in a non-populated area.
  4. Is there another Gambling Deck within 15ly? If more than one gambling deck ship is operating in the 15ly area the total income generated by all the ship devices in that area is limited to 500 mc. i.e. 250mc for 2 ships (500/2), 50mc for 10 ships (500/10) or 1mc per ship device if 500 devices are on in the 15ly area (500MC max/500 ships = 1mc per ship device).
Global Warmer Warms a planet to climate level 50. Uses 1 kt of fuel per climate level change. Can change at a rate of up to 5 climate levels a turn. The ship burns 5 kt of fuel to change the climate by 5 units.
Global Icer Cools a planet to climate level 50. Uses 1 kt of fuel per climate level change. Can change at a rate of up to 5 climate levels a turn. The ship burns 5 kt of fuel to change the climate by 5 units.
Glory Device

Explodes the ship doing damage to all ships in the area. Flip the switch on and the ship will explode after movement is over. A ship with 50kt hull mass would take double damage. A ship with a 200kt hull mass would take half damage. All your own ships will take 25% of normal damage. The glory device explodes after movement.

Stormer ships can not be attacked before it explodes. All other races using a Glory Device can be attacked.

All ships with a hull mass of under 100 at point blank range will be destroyed in the glory device blast. The explosion does damage out to a range of 10 LY. Ships take half damage at range 1 LY and one third damage at range 2 LY from the center of the blast. (range 0 110% dmg, range 5 18% dmg, range 10 10%, range 11 0%) Your own ships take only 25% of the normal damage levels from the explosion.

All wings and pods in a 10 LY radius are destroyed in the blast, unless they are docked with a ship. Minefields in the area are also destroyed.

Planets in the area of the blast gain 150 HD Stress units, when the stress gets above 1000 units the planet is in danger of exploding.

If the explosion takes place over a planet or base with Amorphous natives, they will be turned into the spice contraband, supplies and food. One amorphous native yields one of contraband and 1/20 a unit of food and 1/20 a unit of supplies. There is a limit of 50000 amorphous natives getting blasted by a single glory device in a turn. The device will light up the planet under the blast for all other races in the universe to see.

Gravitonic Accelerator Causes ships to travel twice as fast as normal and burn the same amount of fuel. The side effects of the device include the complete failure of the ship's scanners and the engines make 300% more noise than normal.
Gravitonic Mine Dropper Converts ordnance units into gravitonic mines and drops them. Gravitonic mines are anti-hyper jump mines. A hyper jump can not be made by a ship in a gravitonic minefield. If a ship is jumping through hyperspace and they cross over a gravitonic minefield they will return to normal space. Ships moving through a gravitonic minefield can hit them and take some damage. [more]
Gravity Rift Generator Burns 25 kt of fuel per cycle and disables all gravity well generators and gravity mines within 100 LY. Hyper jumping ships are free to travel through disabled gravity wells and disabled gravity mines. The device will also cause gravitonic accelerator to fail to function. The device has no effect on jump gates or warp chunnels.
Gravity Sensors Has a 400 ly range and can detect all ships that have a grav mine dropper, hyper drive, grav well generator, warp chunnel, or gravitonic accelerator. It will detect the ship even if the detected device is turned off.
Gravity Well Generator Has a range of 50 LY. Any hyperdrive ship within the 50 LY range of a gravity well ship can not hyperjump. The device will cause passing hyperjumping ships to drop back into normal space. The device requires 10 KT of fuel to run. The device has no effect on warp chunnel jumps or jump gates.
Ground Base Chunneler

Will only move a base from one planet to another. Does not move anything else. Burns 100 KT of fuel to do the move. Base chunnel is amoung the last things that happen in a turn.

The target planet must have a ground chunnel or warp chunnel ship over it. Either one will work. To use the device park the ground chunnel ship over a base that you want to move. Set the ship's speed to zero and the ship's waypoint to any planet with a chunnel ship over it that you own. Turn on the Ground chunnel device, next turn the ground base will be at the other planet. If there is already a base there under your ownership on the planet the two bases will merge into one base. The ship that sent the base will remain at the location it was at. This device does not move ships.

Ships with active X Field device within 200 LY will stop this device from working. 150ly if you are Cyborg.

Ground Quake Trigger Damages cities in bases on the planet below, destroys cities, kills colonists. Bases with no cities are immune. Undercities are immune. The device will kill around 20% of all the colonists that live in cities. The device may destory as few as 2 cities. The device may destroy all the cities in the base.
Hacker Droid

When on, the plans to the ship being towed are stored in the ships data bank. Will only work if the ship's data bank does not currently have a ship plan in it. Will work on any ship under tow, including enemy ships that you are not in control of.

To use it just turn it on and tow the ship that you want the plans of. If you end up towing it you will get the ship plans.

Hive Mind When groups of ships with this device attack together they can increase their attack and evasive factors by up to 30 points. This maximum bonus happens when there are 10 ships attacking together.
Holodeck Increases ship happiness by 10 points.
Holo Jamming Device Takes 10kt of fuel to run. Causes the ship using it plus all ships belonging to the ship's race within a 10 LY radius to appear to all other players to be at an incorect location up to 100 LY away. A Bioscanner within 150 LY causes the holo jamming device to fail to work.
Hull Plan Napper It steals plans and deletes plans belonging to other races, including ones that you are not at war with. It has a 50 LY range. The device will only take plans that the enemy can not naturally build on their own. For example if a Federation ship has the plans to a Loki on board the device will not steal it because the Loki is a standard Fed ship. The device will only take that plans that are alien to the victim race.

Hyperdrive is a ship part that allows you to fold space and travel large distances. This jump would consume the same amount of fuel regardless of load or distance.

There are ways to stop or prevent or stop ship from hyper jumping with the Gravitonic mines and the Gravity Well Generator.

There are two types of hyper jumping. Normal and fast hype.

Fast hype allows you to do your hyperjump at tick 0 of the movement phase, and then allows you to do normal movement after the jump. Normal hype you jump at tick 100, and do not get to do normal space movement.

Incarceration Beam If an enemy ship's system damage is greater than 70% the device will take all the enemy crew, troops and colonists to a prison pod and place the prison pod in an empty pod bay. The ship using this device must have an empty pod bay for ths device to function.
Jumpgate Builder

If the ship has 10,000 mc and 1,000 molybdenum on board the ship will build a jump gate when this device is on. The gate is built after movement.

All Jump gates have a 3 letter code, which is the code needed to travel to the gate. Jump gates can only be destroyed by anti-matter maul super weapons that have set the gate as a kill target and have parked on it. To travel to another jump gate park your ship on any gate and set one of the ship's command codes to the code of the gate you wish to travel to.

Jump gate travel happens after normal movement. When you come out the other end of the gate you will not have any scanner readings of the area and any enemy in the area will not have seen you yet. You have one turn to move your ship before you are seen by the enemy. Jump gates are very hard to defend do to the fact anyone can jump out of one from another gate at any time if they know the gate code, so be very careful where you build them. To find out the code of an enemy's jump gate just fly a ship up next to it and scan the gate to see the gate's 3 letter gate code.

Jumppoint Generator Allows ships next to a hyperdrive ship to jump into hyperspace with it. If the jumping ship has a command code set to JOE only the ships that are escorting the jumping ship will jump. All ships next to the ship with a command code of NCH will not jump with the jumppoint ship.
Laser Mine Dropper Converts ordnance units into laser mines and drops them. Laser mines can destroy fighter wings that are not docked with a ship and small ships. Large ships take very little damage from laser mines. [more]
Laser Mining Drill

Extracts mineral ore from the core of the planet under the ship and converts it into metals and stores the metals in the ship's cargo hold. Most ships are able to drill up to 1000kt of ore out of the core of the planet per turn. There are two ships that can drill up to 10000 units of ore out of the core a turn, those ships are the Corona Class Orbital Miner and the Evil Empire's Slayer class.

The drill increases the climate of the planet by 0.3 a turn and the HD stress of the planet by 10 to 60 points. The device has no effect on ore or metal that is sitting on the planet's surface. The device will not mine fuel or fuel ore.

Light Speed If the ship has less than 20% engine damage and 5% hull damage the ship will move at speed 400 and burn 1000 kt of extra fuel in addition to the ship's normal fuel burn. There are command codes for controling this.
Long Range Mine Detector Detects all uncloaked minefields in a 500 LY radius.
Mind Crusher Causes colonists and natives in all bases under the ship to loose 40 happy points. Device works after movement. The mind crusher produces 25 units of sensor image noise when used. It has a range of 10LY. You could use it to draw part of an enemy fleet off of a planet and into a fight with a fleet of cloaked ships.
Minefield Destabilizer

Can destroy one minefield per turn. The device has 80% chance to destroy a minefield that has a center that is within 150 LY of the ship after movement.

The device will destroy your own minefields. The only fields that it can not destroy are web mines and cloaked barbitic mines.

Mine Sweeper Array

Destroys one enemy minefield or recovers one minefield belonging to your race converting it into ordnance units and stores the ordnance on your ship. You do not collect ordnance from enemy minefields that you sweep.

The device will not sweep cloaked minefields.

Mobile Fighter 1(2,3) Factory
Produces type 1, 2 or 3 fighters and adds them to docked wings. If there are no docked wings a new wing will be formed in an empty fighter bay. The device will build a new fighter wing if you have the cash on board the ship to build at least 10 new fighters.
Mobile Med Lab Converts all food to med units and produces 3 free med units a turn.
Mobile Ord Factory Turn supplies into ord. One supply will yield 10 ord units.
Mobile Repair Plant Duranium is converted to repair units. One kt of Duranium yields 100 repair units. The only limits as to the amounts produced is the size of the repair holds.
Money Tap

A nightmare weapon that can steal all the money from ships, gold pods and construction pods within 50 LY of the ship. It can steal all the money on a base that is in excess of 10000mc. It steals from all ships, pods and bases at once. The device works after all movement is finished.

It will take money from races that you are not at war with and those that you are at war with.

Nanovirus Bomb Uses 100 Med units to fire. The device kills 25% of the Cyborg colonists on any base under the ship. It also converts 5% of the Cyborg colonists into natives. The natives will be found on the planet's surface. Use several ships at once for greater effect. It is best to ground attack the base right after the nanovirus attack to make sure the natives are not quicky reassimilated. The device will work through base shields. The device will kill the Cyborg high guard (King) on the target base. The nanovirus device makes 15 units of sensor image noise when used.
Native Dust Off

Loads up to 400,000 of the natives on the planet under the ship onto a native life pod and places the pod in one of the ship's empty pod bays. This takes place after movement. The device will not remove natives from a base, it only works on natives that are on the surface of the planet outside of a base. The device will only work if you have an empty pod bay on the ship.

Enemy ground bases on the surface of the planet block this device from working.

Ore Processing

When on the ship grabs ore from any pod in the area (including ones that do not belong to you), any planet you are over and any of your own bases. The 2 ore is converted into 1 metals and stored in the ship's cargo hold. The only limit as to how much can be processed in a turn is the size of the ship's cargo hold. Ore processing costs nothing.

You can have the metals automatically transported down to a base you own if you are over one with the ship command code BDM (Beam Down Metals).

Organic Armor

The armor is 5 times stronger than normal armor. Organic armor ships start with no armor and must grow all their armor using med units. One med unit yields one unit of armor.

  • Weapons do 1/5 normal armor drain damage, small weapons do nothing.
  • Weapons with high kill ratings can do heavy damage to Organic armor at a rate of 1/8 the kill rating per hit on the armor.
  • Weapons with less than 5 armor drain do NO damage to the ship's armor.
  • Organic armor ships can not be refitted or repaired with normal armor units.
  • The Solor Gamma Ray ship device destroys 1 point of organic armor every combat tick.
Particle Fountain

Extracts mineral ore from the core of the planet under the ship and converts it into metals and stores the metals in the ship's cargo hold. The device will mine a limit of 2000 kt of ore per turn.

The Evil Empire's Slayer class can mine up to 20000 kt a turn using this device. The fountain increases the climate of the planet by 3 a turn and the HD stress of the planet by 1 to 50 points.

The device has no effect on ore or metal that is sitting on the planet's surface. The device will not mine fuel or fuel ore.

Plasma Stream Enhancer The device doubles the charge rate and doubles the ord useage of the plasma bolt cannon. It greatly extends the range of the weapon and improves the odds of the weapon by 60%.
Probe Launcher Uses 100 ord units and scans bases within 500ly of the ship. The probes have a 90% chance of detecting any enemy bases on the planet. The device has a very hard time detecting Rebel and Birdman bases, unless there is a Highguard Ranger on the ship and even then the odds are still low. The Coalition Willow Class Survey Ship has an SDI device that destroys any probe that would impact any planet within 100 LY of the ship. If the probe discovers an enemy base it will return a full good scan of the planet data, including mineral and native amounts.
Psi-Opps Hisser Unit Increases happiness of all colonists and natives under the ship by up to 40 happy points. The maximum level they will reach is 300 points. This device will not work for non-lizard races that capture Lizard ships.
Pyramid Lounge The device makes up to1 mc income per highguard on the ship. The device needs 1 food unit per 1000mc it generates per turn.
Ragnarock Device Destroys the ship using the device. It causes all planets in a 200 LY radius of the device to gain 1070 HD stress points. This is enough stress to cause most planets to explode, destroying any base that might be on them.
Ram Scoop Takes in 20 kt of fuel if moving faster than 20 ly per turn. If moving less tha 20LY a turn the device does nothing.
Rebel Ground Assault The ship destroys the pod pad and base shield of any enemy base in range of 10 ly. The device will destory up to 10% of the ion cannons on the planet and 30% of the anti-air guns.
Recruting Center Full load of colonists each turn.
Reticulian Light Beam Places enemy colonists in prison pod at a rate of 50,000 a turn. The device only works when the ship has an empty pod bay and it parked over an enemy base.
Reticulian Med Lab Turns natives into food and med and supplies and cash. 300 natives of any type, other than chupanoids, will yield 3 food, 10 supplies, 30 med, and 30 mc. The ship takes the natives from the planet under the ship at the end of movement. The device will not take natives from a base.
Scalar Wave Amp

Increases the hyperdimensional stress level of the planet under the ship by 0 to 10 points. It increases the hyperdimensional stress delta (base frequency) by 5 points with a maximum of 300 delta stress. The delta stress is the amount of stress a planet gains in a turn. When a planet reaches a stress level of over 1000 it is in danger of exploding. The hyperdimensional stress delta is the rate that the hyperdimensional stress will increase each turn.

Be sure to keep this device out of the hands of any Crystal enemies you might have.

Scalar Wave Damper Drops HD stress base frequency by 8. Very useful in making planets useless to the Crystals who produce food and ord from planetary stress.
SDI Anti-Probe It blocks probes from reaching and scanning a planet. The device has a range of 100 LY.
Security Device Prevents boarding lasers from harming any crew or guests on a ship. The ship will still take hull damage. The Aczanny crew gets a 500% counterattack bonus during boarding actions. The Aczanny colonists get a 200% counterattack bonus. If the ship is captured in a boarding action the ship automatically self destructs. Any race with a Aczanny hull can use the device.
Self Destruct Blows up the ship. This does not cause damage to other ships in the area.
Show Lounge

This device generates money and it has four basic requirements to make money. Rules 1 & 2 make the money and rules 3 & 4 limit how the money from 1 & 2 can be made. Rule 5 is a happiness bonus rule.

  1. Crews on the ships. This device will generate 0.1 MC per colonist on board, up to a maximum of 50MC for 500 crew members on board.
  2. Colonists in bases below the ship. The ship will generate 100MC for every 1million colonists in the base(s) directly below the ship. (You do not have to own the bases to get the device to work).
  3. Is the Device in deep space? If the ship is in deep space the maximum revenue that can be generated by the device is limited to 50MC. If the Device is over a base with less than 1million colonists then it is still considered to be in deep space or in a non-populated area.
  4. Is there another Show Lounge within 15ly? If more than one Show Lounge ship is operating in the 15ly area the total income generated by all the ship devices in that area is limited to 250 mc. i.e. 166mc for 2 ships (250/2), 25mc for 10 ships (250/10) or 1mc per ship device if 250 devices are on in the 15ly area (250MC max/250 ships = 1mc per ship device).
  5. The device will increase the happiness of the colonists on bases under the ship by 3 points.

Removes up to 20% of the crew limit of the ship with the HAARP device from enemy ships and turns them into your own crew. Has a 20LY range. This means the Lady Royale Class Ship has the power to remove 1400 enemy crew from enemy ships at a range of 20 LY. This device works after all movement is finished.

The ship must have room for the new crew members or the number taken will be reduced to what the ship can hold.

Solorian are immune to the device.

Soil Reformer Improves a planet's soil 5 per turn up to a max of 250. This device works on the planet that the ship is parked over.
Soil Sterilizer Destroys and poisons soil on a planet, -20 soil per turn. This device works on the planet that the ship is parked over.
Solar Collector Gathers fuel from the star next to the ship. The hotter the star and the bigger the ship the more fuel it can collect.
Solar Gamma Ray Destroys organic armor out to a range of 200 ly. Causes a 30 point drop in enemy colonist happiness and kills 30% of them. It kills 50% of most natives. (It will not hurt Chupanoids or Siliconoids) The device will not hurt the Crystals.
Spy Scanner Find high population enemy planets with heavy industry within 1000 ly. Has a 10% chance of detecting any enemy bases with more than 5 cities and a colonist population of over a million.
Stellar Targeter

The device sends a signal to the base below to fire its Stellar Matter Launcher at the ship's kill target. The ship must be parked over a base with a Stellar Matter Launcher. For the weapon to fire the base must have the ordnance to fire. The Solorian Stellar Matter Launcher building fires a blast of energy at space craft at a long distance. The device requires 40,000 ord units to fire. The blast will be fired at the kill target object if it is in range. The device does more damage to smaller ships. Firing the weapon causes 300 points of HD Stress in the planet under the base. The weapon fires after all movement is done and only can damage things in space, it does not damage ground bases.

The Launcher has a maximum range of Star_Heat * 6 and has a blast radius of 20 LY. The power of the blast decreases by 5% every LY out from the blast center. Solorian craft are not immune from the blast.

Use the Stellar Matter Launcher tool to calculate the damage and distance.

The Solorian Maelstrom ground unit can reduce the stress of the planet during a weapons firing by 1 unit each.

This device can not be used on ships that are fully cloaked. It can be used on ships with active cloaking devices that are generating more than 400 units of sensor noise and ships that have been made visible by a laser mine detonation.

Superweapon Jammer Keeps all enemy super weapons from firing in a battle event.
Tachyon Emitter

Has a range of 100 LY and works before movement. The scanner causes almost all objects in the area to show up better on scanners. The sensor image of anything in the area is increased by 250 points.

The only ships immune from the Tachyon Emitter are the Darkwing and Resolute Classes, however those ships can be uncloaked by a Loki class with a skilled crew using a Tachyon Emitter. A Federation crew with under 100 skill can light up an enemy with 5 points of scanner image. If the Fedration crew has over 100 skill points they can light up the enemy with 20 image points. A high guard ranger on a Federation ship can add an extra 80, with or without a skilled crew.

Only works if the ship has less than 25 system damage.

Target Enhancer Increases the odds of hitting the enemy target (+25% Accuracy) and increases the range of large and small weapons by 35%. The odds of hitting the target ship's soft spot is increased by 500%.
Transport Inhibitor

Burns 10kt of fuel when on. The device has a 70% chance of stopping an enemy ship from transporting a boarding party onto your shipas long as your ship has less than 30% system damage.

The device only protects the ship with the device and does nothing to help ships near it.

Unicom Increases the odds of all fighters to hit their targets by 20% using beam weapons and 30% using missile weapons.
Warp Bubble Generator Uses 100kt of fuel to use. Causes all ships within 130 ly to be tossed up to 50 LY in a random direction. The only ships immune are gravity stabilized ships like the Binary Class Star Port, Solar Ragnarock, and Solar Collection Array. Ship hulls that have max warp speeds of under 50 per turn are also immune from this device.
Warp Chunneler

Moves a ship and all ships next to it to another ship that has a warp chunnel device.

The target chunnel ship must be a member of the same race as the chunneling ship. Pods, wings, and ships can all move through a warp chunnel. Chunneling burns 100 KT of fuel. There is no limit to the distance warp chunnel ships can move. Chunneling can not be blocked, stopped, or disrupted by gravitonic mines or gravity well ships. There is no limit to how big or how many ships can travel with the chunneling ship. To use the device set your ship's speed to zero, set your waypoint 1 to the (x,y) of a ship that you own and also has a chunnel device that you want to travel to. Turn on the chunnel device. If you have enough fuel your ship and all ships, wings and pods next to you will be at the other ship next turn. Ships, pods and wings belonging to other races can also travel through the warp chunnel with you.

The only ships that will not enter the chunnel are ships that have a command code set to "NCH". A command code of "JOE" will cause only ships that are escorting the chunneling ship to enter the warp chunnel.

Ships exit the chunnel with 50% shield power.

A ship with an X Field device can block a Cyborg Warp Chunnel at a range of 100LY from the beginning point of the chunnel. Non Cyborg Chunnel ships can be blocked by a X Field device out to a range of 200LY.

Warrior Assault Has a range of 10 ly and destroys all enemy special buildings. Buildings such as resorts, cantinas, Cyborg kings palaces, labor camps, labor mines, hyperlathes, gun zeros, insect hatcheries, and other special enemy buildings.
Web Mine Dropper Converts ordnance units into web mines and drops them. Web mines cause damage to ship engines and stop ships from moving.[more]