Understanding natives is an important part of the game. More so for races
like the privateers and rebels. But all races benefit from the use of
Getting Natives:
If the planet’s natives like you they will move into your base
but if another base is built on that planet and the natives like the
other race more than your own the natives will leave your base and join
the other race's base.
Natives will never join a Cyborg base on their own.
There are some devices where you can force natives into your base.
All Natives except Ghipsoldal get unhappy when there is a Privateer
base near buy. All Natives get unhappy when there is a Rebal base near
Natives on planets grow at 2% per turn under ideal climate
conditions and 0% under the worse conditions. Ideal conditions for siliconids
are a climate rating of 100 all other natives like climate ratings of
50 best.
Natives on bases grow at a rate of 2% if they are at 100% happiness
or above. They grow at 0% when the happiness rates 0%. Climate does
not affect the growth rate of natives that are safely in a base.

Big and very hungry. They can be very dangerous.
They are attracted to bases that have a stock pile of Lerchin
Spices in storage. However, they will not join bases of
races that have over 80 PSI. Once in a base they will produce
1 kt of Lerchin
Spices per 500 amorphous in the base. But on a planet it
takes 1000 Amorphous to produce 1 spice.
They will attack and eat colonists, crew and troops living
in a base on a planet. The Amorphous in the base will attack
if there are any Amorphous on the planet attacking. If there
are just Amorphous living in the base and no Amorphous living
in the wild on the planet's surface no attack will take place.
Every 300 Amorphous will eat 1 colonist per turn. Crystals are
immune to this attack.
If all the colonists, crew and troops are completely eaten
up the base is lost and the the contents of the base is spilled
onto the planet's surface.
Glory Device
will kill 15,000 worms per blast and create spice, food and
Amorphous Worms are NOT allowed on any planet with a ground
base for the first 3 turns. If you build a ground base on a
planet before turn 3, any Amorphous Worms on the planet will
Taxes: 0%
Produce: 1 Lerchin Spices per 500 natives if in a base. 1 per
1000 otherewise.
Likes: Lerchin
Dislikes: Races with more than 80 PSI.

Beam weapon experts. They will sometimes manufacture
beam Large
Weapon systems for you when they are happy with your war
If you have 50,000 Amphibians with a happiness of over 75%
they will build you randon number of large weapons of random
types every turn. Most of the time it is only 1.
For each 200,000 Amphibians present, up to 8 weapons can be
made of each successivly higher weapon type. Max would be at
4 million Amphibians, then you can possibly get 16 weapons of
all weapon types. I think it is better to have then in 50k boundless.
- Scavenger crawlers can gather 1 repair unit per 500 Amphibians.
Taxes: 100%
Produce: Random weapon if 50,000 on base and 75% happiness or
Likes: Races that have high PSI ratings and high Dark Force
Dislikes: |

Above average workers with a 200% normal tax
income. They like races with high spy rating and rarely join
the bases of races with low spy ratings.
- Scavenger crawlers can gather 3 random contraband from 10,000
Taxes: 200%
Likes: Races with very high spy rating and Birdmen.
Dislikes: Races with low spy ratings |

If you have more than 10,000 Bovinoids in a
bases all your factories on that base will increase their production,
for every megacredit you spend you will produce two supply units
instead of the normal of just one.
- Scavenger crawlers can gather 1 supply unit per 1000 Bovinoids.
Taxes: 200%
Produce: Double factory production if 10,000 on a base and are
75% happy.
Likes: Races that have high light powers rating.
Dislikes: Races that have a high dark powers rating |

Blood sucking, transdimensional psycokinetic
monsters. Eat food, never pay taxes, hard to get rid off.
If they are under 80% happy they will eat up to 1/100 kt of
food each, much less if they are more than 80% happy. They can
eat up to 1/50kt of any type of contraband each regardless of
their happiness.
It is tricky to get Chupanoids into a native pod. If their
happiness is under 70% they will not get into the pod at all.
If they are more than 70% happy there is still a 30% chance
they will escape the pod before it takes off.
The ship device known as the Eye
of Madagon will increase their happiness level to 300% and
cause Chupanoids to instantly join with any base on the planet.
Also if you self destruct a pod full of Chupanoids, you will
find them randomly on planets in a 350 ly circle, and they wont
be happy, eating even more food.
If your colonists run out of food and start starving to death
the Chupanoids will begin eating your dead and rapidly grow
in number and happiness.
Never put Chupanoids on a pod with other natives, the other
natives will turn into Chupanoids.
- IMT can turn Chupanoids into troops, but they will turn
back if they are not happy.
Taxes: 0%
Produce: They eat lots of food and contraband.
Likes: Eating your Food, Contraband and dead
Dislikes: Being poded off the planet. |

Are lazy workers, producing only 10% the normal
tax income. The more Kerria Crystal Artifacts you have the more
likely they are to be attracted to your base.
If you have more than 50,000 Ghipsoldals on your base with
a happiness of over 75% they will build 1 of each engine
type for you. Subosibly for each full 100,000 Ghipsoldals, up
to 16 engines (at happiness >110), of successively higher
type, are created each turn. Production will max out at 16 of
each engine type, with more than 2 million Ghipsoldals with
a happiness >110. But I have not seen than, i see much better
production with smaller 50k Ghipsoldals on many planets.
- If a Ghipsoldal sees any ship of Cyborg design with in 100
ly, belonging to any race, there is a 50% chance they will
send a distress call to all empires requesting help.
- An entire planetary population of Ghipsoldals can be assimilated
instantly by the The Cyborg King. This gives the Cyborg +1
engine tech if their king assimilates a population of 100,000+
- Scavenger crawlers can gather 1 med unit per 500 Ghipsoldals.
- Azcanny's will get 1 free Transwarp Drive for every 10,000
Ghipsoldals they have in the base.
Taxes: 10%
Produce: Free Engines if 50,000 on base and 75% happiness or
higher. Usually 1 of each type, once in a while to 2. Cyborg
Free engine tech
Likes: Kerria
Crystal Artifacts
Dislikes: Terraformers,
Cyborgs |

Humanoids are good money producers, however
they do get unhappy at higher tax rates
- If a Humanoid sees any ship of Cyborg design, belonging
to any race, there is a 50% chance they will send a distress
call to all empires requesting help.
- Cyborgs get 1/20 of a mega credit for every Humanoid that
they assimilate.
- If 100,000 humanoid natives are assimilated at one time
by the Cyborg King in a single turn the Cyborg will get a
free increase in hull tech.
- Scavenger crawlers can gather parts to make a type 1 fighter
for every 100000 Humanoid natives found on the planet.
Taxes: 100%
Produce: Cyborg free hull tech.
Likes: Races that have a high PR rating and Humanoid bases.
Dislikes: Higher tax rates, Cyborg |

They are hard workers. They produce 300% normal
tax income. They are close friends of the Robots. In fact they
are the ones that build the Robots.
- Insectoids will attack Enforcers and Aczanny.
- Scavenger crawlers can gather 1 unit of food per 10,000
- Robots are built by Insectoids and have some very special
uses for this native with their
Insectoid Nests.
- It takes 6 insectoids to assimilated into 1 Cyborg.
- Reunited Coalition of Systems get +100 mining rate with
50,000 Insectoids on a base.
Taxes: 300%
Produce: Robots.
Likes: Robots
Dislikes: Races that have high PR, leadership, law rating, or
PC rating. Hates Enforcers, Aczanny. |

They are able to double the mineral mining rates
on any base that has more than 50,000 living in the base.
- Scavenger crawlers can gather 1 armor unit per 1000 Retilians.
Taxes: 25%
Produce: Double base mining if 50,000 are on base.
Likes: Races with high leadership and lizard like races.
Dislikes: |

Explosive and ordnance experts. Siliconoids
produce only 8% of the normal tax income. If you have 100,000
or more siliconoids living on your base your ord production
will be doubled. You will get exactly twice as much for the
same amount of money.
- When in a Crystal base, 50 Natives will produce 1 Ord per
- Scavenger crawlers can gather 1 ord unit per 333 siliconoids.
- Cyborg can not assimilate Silicanoids.
Taxes: 8%
Produce: If Crystal 1 ord per 50 natives. Else double ord production
if 100,000 on base and 75% happiness or higher.
Likes: Races that have high PSI ratings and Crystals.
Dislikes: |