Change Logs!
List of changes with each version.
Aug 19th, 2006
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.197
- Fixed: Virgo's Unicom never turns on.
- Fixed: Ships not becoming fearful when shields are low as designed
- New: You get planet stress messages at least one turn before the
planet explodes in the event that an astroid turns into a planet.
- New: Death rate from crime cut in half
- New: Crime fighting powers of troops doubled
- New: Crime fighting powers of high guard increased by a factor of
- New: The amount of money gained when you sell contraband from a
gold pod to an enemy base depends on the contraband likes of the target.
If they have a 0 contraband like you will get 50% market value for
the item, if they have a 100 contraband like rating you will get 250%
market value.
- New: Contraband gold pod sell range increased to 120 LY.
- New: If you land a prison pod on a planet that you do not have a
base a prison base will form, the prisoners are no longer simply set
What is new in Master.exe Version 4.000.189
- New: Race 818 starting ships added
May 21st, 2006
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.196
- New: Ships that enter a jump point may not hyper jump again in the
same turn using its own engines
- New: You must reduce the colonist population to under 2000 before
you can give the base away.
- New: Spy scanners no longer scan your own bases
- New: You can not GBA to a friend ( Give base away ) if an enemy
has a base on the same planet, you can not
give a base to an enemy.
- New: Bases with a Peaceful setting get a 50% troop attack bonus
- New: Bases with a Roaming Defense setting get a 40% troop attack
- New: Bases with a Deep Ground Patrol setting get a 30% troop attack
- New: Bases with an Attack and Run setting get a 20% troop attack
- New: Bases with a Peaceful setting loose 25% more colonists than
normal when attacked
- New: Bases with a Roaming Defense setting loose 10% more colonists
than normal when attacked
- Fixed: Math error in VCR that caused ships to go ONE direction most
of the time fixed
- Fixed: Math error in PD weapons firing at fighters, the first PD
fires can uncharged the higher slotted PD weapons
- Update: Bases with an attack mode of peaceful get a 5 point growth
rate bonus, reduces crime by 1 and increases happiness by 1 point.
- Update: Only Birds, Stormers, and Aczanny can use Transphased World
Crusher Exotic Tech
- New: Limit on how many engines Ghipsoldals can build you raised
to 5000 (from 50)
- New: Limit on how many weapons Amphibians can build you raised to
5000 (from 50)
- New: Fighters only fire at one of three enemy fighters types, instead
of the old way where the fighters would fire at all three of the enemy
fighters. This removed the DISADVATAGE of mixing fighters types in
a wing. There is a 60% type-1, 25% type-2, and 15% type-3 will be
fired at. If there are no type 1’s left type 2’s will
be fired at.
- Changed: The power of bad contraband (the stuff the enemy sells
your bases using gold pods) to raise your crime rate has been reduced
to a limit of around 10 crime points a turn.
Jan 4th, 2006
What is new in Planets4.exe Version 4.000.060
- Fixed: File not found error 53 when VCR starts (due to a new way
that windows is locking files)
Dec 20th, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.195
- New: When a planet explodes due to stress all natives die
- New: Only Birds can use Transphased World Crusher Exotic Tech
- New: Option to turn off Hacker Droids using HCONFIG
- New: Small weapon power against shields increased from 50% to 75%
- New: Heavy orbital bombardment will kill at least 1 crew on the
- New: Heavy orbital bombardment will kill at least 1 troop on the
- New: Bases with an attack mode of peaceful get a 20 point growth
rate bonus, reduces crime by 1 and increases happiness by 1 point.
- New: Attack mode 4 ( Crush Kill Destroy ) and mode 5 (Capture )
case a 2 point drop in happiness
- New: New ships are loaded with ORD, if the base has enough ord to
fill the ship, to stop the base from loading ord set the command code
to NOO
- New: New ships are loaded with repair units, if the base has enough
repair units to fill the ship, to stop the base from loading repair
units ( and ord ) set the command code to NOO
- New: The amount of happiness lost due to an enemy holding prisoners
is based on the percentage of population that the enemy is holding.
If they are holding more than 20% of your population you can loose
50 happy points on 30% of your bases.
- New: If you send lots of unhappy colonists into space the happiness
of landing colonists will over time decrease if you send lots of happy
colonists into space the happiness of landing colonists will increase.
- New: If a base holding prisoners is the victim of an enemy blockade
the prisoners will escape and form a new attack base on the planet.
- New: Ships start out with their sand casters, ion weapons and super
weapons on by default
- New: You will no longer receive a message that tells you where your
prisoners are being held
- Fixed: A.I. has the power to transfer too much money from a base
to the central bank
- Fixed: A.I. overloading life pods with more than 400000 colonists
- Fixed: A.I. building mostly speed 13 ships
- Fixed: A.I. turning all the Duranium into repair units
- Fixed: A.I. setting the factory supply build orders to 100 when
it has more than 100 factories.
- Fixed: A.I building a second repair plant
- Fixed: A.I. only increasing 1 tech level at a time when it has the
money to do many at once
- Fixed: A.I. using worst parts first instead of best parts first
- Fixed: A.I. building training centers on home world and hurting
growth rate.
- Fixed: A.I. only building 1 city per turn, even when the base has
the supplies and money to build more
- Fixed: A.I. sending pods of colonists on very long and dangerous
pod boost trips.
Sept 5th, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.194
- New: Cyborg can not assimilate Cyborg
- New: An enemy base on a planet can block a native dust off
- New: Undercities protect colonists in bases that get hit with an
orbital bombardment
- New: Docking pods get one extra chance to dock before Quick Hyp
Jump ships leave or any ships move, this should fix the problem with
ships leaving without their pods.
- New: Emotion chips stored on a robot base will cause Robot happiness
to improve and crime to drop. Fifty units if Emotion chips per 100,000
colonists will cause a 1 unit drop in crime and a 1 unit increase
in happiness.
- New: Solorians can not turn on Tank-O-Tronic cloning exotic tech
- New: When two bases merge, the new base will have the command code
and the friendly code of the base that had the most colonists at the
time of the merge.
- New: Ships are not loaded up with ord or repair units when they
are first built, you will have to load those items yourself.
- Fixed: Holo decoys interfering with your own Torpedoes
- Fixed: Dark wing G not getting bonus for attacking birdmen hulls
owned by another player
- Fixed: Robot data leak that causes ships to show up as unknown contacts
- Fixed: Fighter wings hitting targeting bonus when the target has
high guard aboard (WRONG!)
- Fixed: Your own holo decoys cause your weapons to mess their targets.
- Fixed: Wings with low combat quickness not moving!
- Changed: Bad blood removed from Gold pods selling contraband to
enemy bases, you are allowed
to sell 1 contraband unit per 1000 colonists on the target base.
- Changed: Erase plans function moved to the beginning of the host
run, it should work better
- Changed: Bad Blood factor removed from the game
- Changed: Labor mine and labor camp math changed, (Reduced to make
up for the removal of bad blood and riots)
April 15th, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.193
- Fixed: Bug in ground combat that was causing less colonists, crew
and troops to be lost then should be.
- Fixed: Bad transporter bug that produced large numbers of high guard.
- New: Robot Q Tanker can mask the sensor image of Robot ships within
100 LY, giving them a sensor image of only 5
- New: Robots can cloak mines
- New: Colonists on Colony of Man ships produce an income of 200mc
per 100000 colonists.
- New: All races can sweep cloaked mines with a 25% success rate
- New: Base ION Cannons only work when the shield is turned off
- New: Ships with a hull mass over 690 have improved PD systems, ships
with a hull mass over 1200 have an improved PD system and ships with
a hull mass over 1800 have an even better PD system
- New: Fighter and ship combat logic improved.
- Changed: Base ION Cannons use 10 ord per shot
- Changed: Minefield power increased, they do more damage when you
hit them.
- Changed: Glory device will only kill 15,000 worms per blast
- Changed: Spice production reduced
- Changed: Robot mine sweeping of cloaked mines only works 25% of
the time instead of 100% of the time.
- Changed: Energized sand toned down. it does not work 100% of the
time anymore
March 1st, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.189
- Fixed: Labor camps over producing credits
- Fixed: Labor mines over producing credits
- Changed: Colonists in pods have more importance when calculating
your number of resource points. They are now worth about
40% what colonists in a base are worth.
Feb 16th, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.188
- New: If warp chunnel fails do to lack of fuel you get a log message
- New: Gathering stuff from a planet rate now limited bay number of
- New: Only COM owned Virgos give fighters and ships minefield immunity
- Changed: You no longer get hit with crime for selling contraband
- Changed: The crime effects of selling contraband using a gold pod
scaled back
- Fixed: Boarding laser causing boarding to fail do to a negative
number error.
- Fixed: QTanker not refueling fighters
- Fixed: Having less than 100 Labor Mines on a planet caused 100%
death rates among crew, troops and high guard prisoners.
Feb 16th, 2005
What is new in Planets4.exe Version 4.000.059
- Fixed: Minister enable and planet AVOID using the same data bit,
you switch one your end up switching the other.
Jan 29th, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.187
- Fixed: Host crashes when wing tries to dock with itself
- New: RST file size should be much smaller now
Jan 22nd, 2005
What is new in Planets4.exe Version 4.000.057
- New: Ship have a new combat setting that allows them to AVOID combat
with an enemy base they are over, when this attack setting is one
the ship CAN NOT use its large weapons to damage the enemy base.
- New: Ground bases have a highly experimental attack option CAPTURE.
Your troops kill far less enemy colonists and take 3 times normal
losses. This attack is very useful when attacking enemy bases that
are almost all colonists.
Jan 22nd, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.186
- Fixed: Weird things happen when Cyborg capture a ship that has high
guard aboard.
- New: Ground base capture setting added
- New: Fighter wings that are NOT set to attack ground targets will
STAY AWAY from the base to avoid AAA fire.
- New: Ships can avoid attacking the base under the ship, when the
ship is set to avoid the base the large weapons can NOT be used to
fire at the base.
- New: Robot nest powers increased to taking 3% (was a random 0.00%
to 3%) of all enemy colonists in range and has the side effect of
killing an extra 4.5%.
If you are in the circle of robot nest death you will loose 7.5% of
your colonists per turn.
- New: The range of the robot nest is based on turn number and number
of insects and colonists on the base. The nest range has a minimum
range of 30LY and a maximum range of 400 LY. At the beginning of the
game the range will be about 100LY around the home world at turn 60
the range will be about 400 LY around all high population planets.
- A = SQR(Colonists + Insectoids) / 5
- B = 100 + Turn_Number * 5
- If A < B then nest range is A.
If B < A then nest range is B.
- The base will get a log message telling you the current nest range.
- New: Warrior Shuttle resistant to barbitic minefield detonations.
- New: The Robot Q Tanker is very hard to see, it has a sensor profile
of only 5 at all times.
- New: The Robot Q Tanker refuels fighter wings out to a range of
100 LY
Jan 6th, 2005
What is new in Planets4.exe Version 4.000.056
- New: Crime shown on contraband sell/buy page
- New: Ministers avoid letting your crime level get above 100 when
they are selling all your contraband
- New: Contraband page will show you how much crime will increase
if you sale an item of contraband
- New: Ship and Base overview screens stay open when switching between
enemy ships and bases
- New: Crime level shown on main overview screen
- New: When view destroyed planets using the data pads all data screens
and buttons are now active
- New: The find object screen now has a clear boxes button.
- New: Resource ring display shows crime levels (Under misc)
- New: Ship and Base screen have red outlines when viewing enemy objects
Jan 4th, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.185
- Fixed: Transporter bug that causes ships without boarding lasers
to fail to transfer cargo to and from a planet that they are leaving.
- New: Robot insect nest range reduced to 200 ly
Jan 3rd, 2005
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.184
- New: Gambling deck ships generate 2 points of crime on bases they
are over.
- New: The power of weapons to push back an enemy ships decreased
by 50% and ship with a mass over 900 are immune.
- New: Show lounge ships generate 2 points of crime on bases they
are over.
- New: Crime rate no longer effects the amount you get from selling
- New: Criminals steal contraband from bases with high crime. (50%
chance that 5% will be taken if there is over100 crime)
- New: If you have a crime level above 100 contraband will be stolen
when you launch a pod of contraband.
- New: High Guard are much better at fighting crime, the more you
have the better they get. The more crime you have the better they
If you have 10000 crime and 10000 HG they will drop crime by 1000
If you have 100 crime and 100 HG they will drop crime by 8 points.
- New: Troops are much better at fighting crime.
If you have 10000 crime and 1000000 troops they will drop crime by
500 points.
- New: Privateers move crime around. . . if they have a base within
200LY they might take 10% of your crime away from you and give it
out to another base in the area.
- New: If a ship has less than 50% crew its weapons will begin to
malfunction during combat. The percentage crew that you have is the
percentage chance that a weapon system will work.
- New: Robots have a new method of fighting crime
- New: Cyborg have a new method of fighting crime
- New: Robot insect nests kill more enemy colonists. Three times what
they did before. Income and insect production remains the same.
- New: No more free lunch ( 5kt of food ) when beaming colonists down
to a new world. You have to bring food with you now. If you beam down
colonists and suddenly next turn they are all gone, it might be because
you forgot to bring food.
- Fixed: People can beam fuel from friendly Solorian ships!
- Fixed: Some really pycho-wierd bonehead logic flaw in transporter
attemps is causing transporting and boarding to fail most of the time.
- Robot starting insectoid population changed to 50000 + 10% starting
colonist population.
Dec 25th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.183
- New:When a base is captured by ground combat the crime from the
base is spread about to all bases belonging to the victim race with
in 800 LY. (Not enemy bases.)
Dec 25th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.182
- New:When a base is captured by ground combat the crime from the
base is spread about to all bases with in 800 LY, both enemy and friendly
bases. Your own bases get a dose of crime 5 times greater than what
the enemy bases get.
- New: Cantinas can be removed from a base using the base command
code "ATF"
- New: Crime rate increase by cantinas reduced.
- New: Selling contraband generates 5 points of crime per type of
contraband sold
- New: Crime rates of over 100 begin to effect the amount you get
from selling contraband
- New: Crime rates of over 100 effects your income from cities (Undercities
Dec 18th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.181
- Fixed: Figher combat logic messed up.
- Fixed: Ship combat logic messed up.
- Fixed: Ship stand off range not working
- Fixed: Ships hitting two web mines in a single turn
- Fixed: Ships intercepting ships and object that they can not see
- Fixed: Cantinas produce the insane amounts of contraband and crime
is a joke
- New: Wings only auto intercept pods when target soft is on
- New: Wings only auto intecept wings when target fighters is on
- New: Wreckage is no longer auto intercepted
- New: Mass effects how fast ship can change speed during combat
- New: High Guard (10 or more) decrease crime rate
- New: Troops (10000 or more) decrease crime rate.
Nov 28th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.180
- Fixed: Captured ships end up at (0,0)
Nov 28th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.179
- New: Ships and wings escorting ships with engines set at very high
speed, but traveling a very short distance will us a special fuel
saver mode to conserve fuel.
- Fixed: Reticulian med lab producing more cargo than the ship can
- Fixed: High guard blocking ground attacks when they should not be.
- Fixed: Ships with no fuel and no crew are able to over power tractor
- Fixed: Host crashing due to "fuel from no where bug" being
- Fixed: Fuel robber producing fuel from nowhere
Oct 23rd, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.178
- New: Ship command code "REC" cause the ship to recharge
a minefield within 200LY with fresh ord instead of dropping a new
field. The type of minefield will be the type the ship is set to drop.
- New: Outfit pod launching moved to before ship building to prevent
quick build ships from using the parts that were suppose to be on
outfit pods causing all sorts of strangeness, like pods not launching
and then launching a few turns later after the required parts are
- New: If a ship with a cloaking device makes over 400 point of sensor
noise or gets tagged by a detonating laser mine gun zeros can target
- New: Ship making less than 400 points of sensor noise and not lit
up by detonating laser mines can not be targeted by the Solorian Stellar
matter launcher.
- Fixed: Prisoners not returning home after you took them back and
prisoners not returning to your allies bases as they should. I keep
getting a log message but nothing happens.
- Fixed: If a ship is blasted with a laser mine detontation and made
visible, it is immune to combat. (It should NOT be immune!)
- Fixed: The Glory Device hull types 42 and 43 are not combat immune
(as they SHOULD be) when the second wave switch is on.
Oct 21th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.177
- Fixed: The Cyborg king keeps disappearing and moving around and
doing weird things when I put him on a ship.
Oct 20th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.176
- New: Virgo command code "LSD". If you have a waypoint
that is less than 50 LY light speed cuts off to save fuel. The command
code "LSD" (LIGHT SPEED DAG-NABIT!!!!) overrides lightspeed
auto cut off so you can burn lots of fuel and go very short distances
or no where at all. It also allows you to intercept or escort at light
speed ships that begin the turn right next to you. If you do not use
the LSD code your light speed will cut off if your waypoint is set
to a distance less than 50 LY, because your ship thinks it is silly
to burn all that fuel just to move 50 LY.
- New: Aczanny ground combat units and troops now protect colonists
from insectoid attacks.
- New: Gun Zero and other special race buildings can be destroyed
by blasting them from space.
- Fixed: Minefield recharge function turning on by mistake.
Oct 11th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.175
- Fixed: Minefield load data error.
Oct 11th, 2004
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.174
- New: Command code WPP (Waypoint Priority) causes ships to go to
their waypoint before going to their intercept target or escort target.
The ship will switch to the intercept or escort target as soon as
waypoint is reached. A ship can move to a waypoint and then move in
an intercept course during the same turn.
- New: You can only launch a pod at an object that you can see. If
you launch to an object that you can not see the pod will just go
into orbit around the base that lauched it.
- Fixed: Chupanoid natives are showing up on my home world planet!
- Fixed: Robot ships taking too much damage from chain reaction nova
barb mines.
- Fixed: Solorian green home star heat level corrected. They where
getting a green star with the wrong heat.