Weapons and Mods!
Deus Ex features a huge assortment of weapons ranging from throwing knives
to rocket launchers and everything in between. You will encounter more
weapons than your inventory will hold so choosing which weapons to keep
is critical to success.
In Deus Ex, there are five categories of weapons: Heavy, Pistol, Rifle,
Low-Tech, and Demolition, this has to do with the skill used for accuracy
and damage.
Low-Tech |
Riot Prod
The best weapon a stealth player can have. It's always
quiet, and can take down most enemies with one charge. Best used
when you have, quite literally, closed the distance between you
and your target to a point where your bodies are actually touching.
Never needs ammo though it tends to kill your target.
The only problem with the crowbar is that your target will die noisily
alerting other guards. |
Unlike the crowbar, the baton will guarantee a silent
non-lethal takedown. However, there is the nasty possibility the
target will shrug off the blow and open fire. |
It will take more space in your inventory, but also
deals more damage. |
Dragon's Tooth Sword
A better sword. When combined with a mastered weapon,
low-tech and combat strength augmentation are strong enough to destroy
security cameras, alarm switches, and turrets. |
Pepper Gun
Once sprayed, causes gas to be released, causing
humans and creatures to do nothing for a short time. |
Throwing Knifes
A quiet and quick way of dealing with organic enemies. |
Combat Knife
Small handy knife. Used to open crates and to take
down any enemies that arent expecting it. |
Pistol |
A standard 10mm Pistol |
Stealth Pistol
It does less damage, but the built-in silencer is
great for silent, ranged takedowns. |
A small pistol that shoots 1 plasma shot. Can only
be used once. |
A very quiet weapon that can be used with 3 types
of darks, plain, tranquilizer and flare darts. |
Rifle |
Assault Rifle
An automatic machine gun. 2 Types of ammo, shells
and 20mm HE rounds which are very handy. |
Sawed Off Shotgun
Strony yet slow loading shotgun |
Sniper Rifle
A powerful sniper rifle. Comes with a scope. |
Assault Shotgun
An automatic shotgun. |
Heavy |
Very strong |
Stands for 'Guided Explosive Projectile'. Homing
weapon that locks onto enemies. |
Plasma Rifle
A heavy weapon that shoots plasma. |
A rocket launcher that can only be used once. |
Demolition |
Gas Grenades
Toss one into a room to immobilize all targets then
finish them off with a GEP rocket or a LAM. Alternately, run past
them and choke some damage down. |
Scramble Grenade
A small device that can be attached to walls and
become like a proximitiy mine or it can be thrown like a normal
grenade. This will cause bots to be locked and unable to do anything
for a short time. |
EMP Grenade
A small device that can be attached to walls and
become like a proximitiy mine or it can be thrown like a normal
grenade. This will cause a Electromagnetic Pulse, putting a stop
to any electronice devices that got caught in the blast. |
Best used against bots if you can aim it well enough,
or if possible, place in proximity mode in the path of the bot,
just like in training. Also a good way to open locked chests, cabinets,
and doors. |
Weapon mods are little devices that improve the functions of a specific
weapon. Weapons are limited to what mods can be installed. You can also
add multiple of the same mod to stack the effects.
Increases the accuracy of the following weapons;
Assault Rifle, Mini-Crossbow, Pistol, Plasma Gun, Sniper Rifle,
Stealth Pistol.
Increases the ammo capacity of the following weapons;
Assault Rifle, Assault Shotgun, Sawed-off Shotgun, Plasma Rifle,
Pistol, Sniper Rilfe, Stealth Pistol. |
Adds a laser pointer to the following weapons;
Assault Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Pistol, Stealth Pistol, Sniper Rifle,
Mini-Crossbow, Plasma. Able to turn on and off. |
Increases the range of the weapon for the following weapons;
Assault Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Stealth Pistol, Pistol, Mini-Crossbow,
Sniper Rifle, GEP, Flamethrower. |
Reduces the recoil of the weapon for the following weapons;
Assault Rifle, Assault Shotgun, Sawed-off Shotgun, Plasma Rifle,
Pistol. |
Reduces the reload time of the following weapons;
Assault Rifle, Assault Shotgun, Flamethower, GEP, Mini-crossbow,
Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Sawed-off Shotgun, Stealth Pistol, Sniper
Rilfe. |
Adds a scope to the weapon to the following weapons;
Plasma Rifle, Stealth Pistol, Pistol, Mini-Crossbow, GEP. |
Quiets the noise of the firing of these weapons;
Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle. |