StarCraft: Brood War!
Broodwar |
Developer: Blizzard
Publisher: Blizzard
Platform: Win32, Mac
Released: 11/30/1998
ESRP: Teen
Expansion for Starcraft. Zerg, Protoss and Terrans struggle
for their continued survival. With the shattered Zerg hive torn apart
by fierce in-fighting, the Protoss seek to reunite with their Dark Templar
brethren and begin the rebuilding of their homeworld, Aiur. Terran Emperor
Mengsk I, having achieved his goal of total power over the human colonies,
must now turn his attention to both the rising power of the woman he betrayed
-- Kerrigan, the infamous Zerg Queen of Blades-- and a conspiracy deep
within his own ranks.
New worlds to explore, from
the Dark Templar twilight homeworld of Shakuras to the blasted and barren
deserts of Korhal. Seven new Units, over 100 new multiplayer maps,
Terran Medic
Field Surgeon.
Recent evaluations determined that healing troops in the field proved
to be more cost-effective than training new recruits. |
Terran Valkyrie
Missile Frigate.
A modern redesign of the gunship, perfect for massed enemies or quick
assaults. |
Protoss Corsair
Support Fighter
Created by the Dark Templar specifically to combat both Terran and
Zerg troops. |
Protoss Dark Templar
Stealth Assassin
Once considered heretics, they have rejoined their Khala brethren,
and are a force to be feared. |
Protoss Dark Archon
Psionic Entity.
Although physically weak, the Dark Archon is possessed with immense
psionic power. |
Zerg Devourer
Heavy Strike Flyer
An extremely venomous monster, designed to cripple large enemies with
a dose of corrosive poison. |
Zerg Lurker
Heavy Support Beast
A mobile siege weapon, capable of burrowing and attacking from its
underground lair. |
It doesn't tkae much to run Broodwar well, let alone
just be able to run it. It does require DirectX 3.(and hardware capable
of running it) This game is only and add on for the previous game Starcraft,
that you will need also.
Minimum |
Recommend |
Windows 95/98/NT |
90 Mhz processor |
166 Mhz processor |
16 MB RAM |
32 MB Ram |
2x CD-ROM Drive |
8x CD-ROM Drive |
200 MB Free HD Space |
DirectX SVGA Video Card |
Official website.
Official website.
Compendium Source for official news, strategies, Maps, updates,
FAQs, etc.
Official site for the Battle.net gaming service as well as provide
news and forums related to Blizzard games.