Hirelings are Mercenaries that you can hire to fight by your side.
Hirelings are very loyal and fight to the death. Hirelings are very
useful. Every player should have one! The Hireling follows you and automatically
attacks any monsters or hostile players nearby. You can also see them
on your Automap as an aqua colored "X". You can only have
one Hireling at a time. Each party member can have their own Hireling
however bringing the total to 8 Mercenaries in a full game or party.
Hirelings in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction come with their own set
of attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Health, Damage, Defense, and Experience.
As Hirelings kill monsters, they gain experience points. When they gain
enough experience points to reach a new level, their attributes automatically
improve. You can also improve their attributes by equipping them with
better equipment (see below). Keep in mind that Hirelings aren't just
paid mercenaries--they are co-adventurers. They fully share experience
for their kills with you, and they receive a smaller share of experience
for monsters that you kill.
Type |
Location |
Equipment |
Level Up
Stats |
Skills |
Act I
Kashya |
Armor, Helms, Bows
(no Crossbows)
Cannot use Amazon-only equipment. |
+1 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+6.5 Defense
+2 all Resist
+8 Life |
Ice Arrow and Inner
Sight, or Fire Arrow and Inner Sight |
Act II
Greiz |
Armor, Helms,
Spears, Polearms |
+1.5 Strength
+1.5 Dexterity
+9.5 Defense
+2 all Resist
+10 Life |
in Normal
Combat - Jab / Prayer
Defense - Jab / Defiance
Offense - Jab / Blessed Aim
Hired in Nightmare
Combat - Jab / Thorns
Defense - Jab / Holy Freeze
Offense - Jab / Might
Hired in Hell
Combat - Jab / Prayer
Defense - Jab / Defiance
Offense - Jab / Blessed Aim
Asheara |
Armor, Helms,
Shields, Swords
They do not use their sword as
a melee weapon; find one that is good for casting spells. |
+1.5 Strength
+1.5 Dexterity
+4.5 Defense
+2 all Resist
+6 Life |
Lightning - Charged
Bolt and Lightning
Fire - Inferno and Fireball
Cold - Glacial Spike or Ice Blast
and Frozen Armor
Act V
Qual-Kehk |
Armor, Helms,
Barbarian Helms, Swords (can't dual wield
Can wear Barbarian class-specific
helms. |
+2 Strength
+1.5 Dexterity
+7.5 Defense
+1.5 all Resist
+12 Life |
Bash or Stun |
Once you have hired a Hireling they appear
near you with their icon in the upper left corner. At the
top of the Hireling's Icon is their health bar. You can toggle
their Icon on and off with the Z key.
Hirelings improve in Attack Rating (because
the hireable level is a factor), and they also fully heal
when they level up.
You cannot harm your Hirelings and they cannot
harm you or your party members.
NPCs in town will heal your Hireling. The
Paladin Prayer Aura or Holy Bolt Skill will also heal your
Hirelings. Party friendly skills and spells will also work
on Hirelings. Wells will also heal Hirelings and other minions.
You can use Potions to Heal your Hirelings as well.
There are no Hirelings available in Act IV.
There are none that would brave the horrors of Act IV for
merely gold. You can take your existing Hirelings into Act
IV however.
Hirelings will die of Poison if you do not
heal them.
- Mercenaries can be healed with healing potions, antidote
potions, or wells, and are also affected by the Paladin's
Holy Bolt or Prayer Aura.
- Mercenaries can die, not only by losing hit points, but
also from being poisoned. If they are still poisoned when
they get back to town, they can still die, until they are
healed by the local healer.
- Mercenaries can now follow you between Acts; so it is possible
to keep your original Act I mercenary, if you wish.
- You can equip your mercenary with weapons, helms, and armor.
The items you give them will not need repair, so this is a
good way to use those Ethereal items.
- Mercenaries are also affected by Resistances, and when they
level up, their resistances will increase. Just like player
characters, mercenaries will start Nightmare and Hell difficulty
games with Resistance penalties.
- Mercenaries have unlimited Mana, and can cast player spells,
although you can't control which spells they will use when.
- Mercs do not lose experience when killed in Nightmare/Hell.
- The most important mod to have on a weapon or equipment
for a merc is Life Steal. Mercs do not use mana, so Mana Leach
is useless.
- Mercs will also get the benefit from partial set item bonuses.
- Mercenaries can level up to 98, but can never level up higher
than you.
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