HTML 101!
You can make a simple web page by using the tags bellow with out a special editor. Just type in text in notepad or any other text editor. Be sure to save as a plain text file with the file name ending with .html Tags are HTML (hypertext markup language) commands. Codes which are typed in a document to control the way the document is displayed by a browser. You must have the tag in the middle of the less (<) and greater (>) than signs. To end the tags use the slash (/) sign after the the second less (<) sign. The code to a basic web page will look like this.
This would produce a rather plain looking webpage, where you would see "Your Title" in your web browsers title bar, and the text "Hello World!" would be the only thing on the page. Note: HTML is not case sensitive. <html> is the same as <HTML>. However, when you make links or images, the file name is usually case sensitive. Let us go over some of the tags. Main Body Tags
Text Tags